Saljet blog

McKesson sales conference

Last Updated: Monday 30 May 2016
McKesson sales conference

We've just come back from Grapevine Texas and the McKesson sales conference

We've just spent six days in Grapevine, Texas, preparing for and attending the McKesson sales meeting. This is becoming a regular fixture in our diary and it is always fun to meet the McKesson reps and to see senior management in action who always present a very professional image. The meeting was held in the Gaylord Hotel which has a river and a fountain in one of the foyers that’s how big it is!

In England this week has been the Chelsea Flower Show, an annual event where garden design is showcased and plants new and old are presented in their finest forms. We Brits are ardent gardeners and can spend many a happy hour with a seed catalogue in March planning what to grow and plant in the spring. The Chelsea Flower Show is inspirational and televised so that we can see the beautiful blooms close up. Even the Queen visits the show, although not on a public day, and she probably has lots of help in her gardens!

We are spending the holiday weekend with friends in Geneva, IL, catching up with our lovely friends in the area from our days of living in St Charles, IL. In the end twelve Chicago winters became one too many, hence the move to Florida! And talking of flowers, I get to visit the peonies I grew and donated to our friends Pam and Larry when we moved.

A visit to one of our factories

Last Updated: Tuesday 17 May 2016
A visit to one of our factories

We visit Hansen Group to look at the manufactory

Last week saw us in Germany visiting our German manufacturer. They are based in Sulzbach Laufen which is in a beautiful wooded valley with the Kocher river running through it. Originally, and still, a logging area it is surrounded by some wonderful trees. Now Hansen Group is the biggest employer in the area overtaking the logging industry.

The Holopack factory is a wonderful testament to high tech set in wonderful countryside, the best of both worlds. Sulzbach Laufen is a two hour drive ESE from Frankfort, an experience in itself on the derestricted autobahns although Howard enjoyed the experience of driving at high speeds!

The food is always different in Germany, which is a joy as modern international travel can be very samey. The wine and the food is local to the area and is difficult to replicate elsewhere. As ever a pleasure to visit our German friends and we look forward to our next visit.

Reflections on living on two continents

Last Updated: Friday 29 April 2016
Reflections on living on two continents

We may live in a strange science fiction sort of world but it is a world which embraces two countries

Howard and I have some wonderful friends on both sides of the Atlantic and so we feel at home in both the UK and the USA. However it is strange that when we are in one country it feels as though our life in the other country is somehow on hold and that all our friends in the country we are not in will somehow be frozen in time. Those friends won't get ill or break, they will still love us even though they haven't heard from us in months and they will be ready to play whenever we are around.
The reality is that time does not stand still for any of us, our friends in America and Britain do get older, get ill and break themselves and we too are getting older and less like the superheroes I always thought we were! I am happy to report that on the whole our friends still seem to love us even though our appearances in their lives are less frequent than we would like, (although they might think we appear often enough!) and we love them for still wanting to play, still caring about where we are and what we are up to. So we may live in a strange science fiction sort of world but it is a world which embraces two countries and gives us some lovely and interesting friends.


Surprise Party

Last Updated: Tuesday 26 April 2016
Surprise Party

At the weekend we were off to Howard's sister's 40th wedding anniversary surprise party organized by her children.

What a pain jet lag is! As Howard and I grow more mature we find jet lag really hard to cope with, one minute we can hardly keep our eyes open so off to bed, sleep for a couple of hours then wide awake in the middle of the night and hungry!

At the weekend we were off to Howard's sister's 40th wedding anniversary surprise party organized by her children. It was a lovely surprise for Melanie and her husband Leopold and their children had managed to find lots of old friends to help them celebrate. They were married in Vienna, Leopold's home town, and not many of their friends were there on the day so it was extra special for them to celebrate their 40th with so many friends around. A special surprise for Leopold was his brother and sister in law who had flown in from Austria. What an international family we are! Howard's Mum was there and at 94 she is still a party girl!

We will stay in the UK in order to see my Mum and the grandkids before jetting back to the U.S. for our next sales meeting.

Second Medline meeting in Orlando

Last Updated: Monday 25 April 2016
Second Medline meeting in Orlando

Back in Orlando for the next Medline sales meeting

Here we are back in Orlando preparing for the next Medline sales meeting. The evening before the sales meeting we had the pleasure of dining at Cafe Tu Tu Tango on International Drive. A really fun restaurant with delicious small plates for sharing and with resident artists who add greatly to the atmosphere.

Our second Medline meeting was even busier than the last one and Howard and I did not stop talking for the first 90 minutes, not to each other of course! It is a great way of spreading the Saljet word meeting the lovely representatives. So to all you potential users out there, Medline do stock Saljet! Once again the event was held outdoors and the event organizer must have a special relationship with the rain gods as there was no rain! Unheard of in Orlando in our experience!

We are off to London as soon as the meeting is over as we have to be at a surprise party, I cannot disclose details until after the event as it may not stay a surprise on social media!

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Wound Care and Covid-19

An article on the continuing importance of wound care management

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